Digital displays are powerful communication media. Generally installed in high-traffic areas, they inform and alert visitors in real time, in several languages. All our screens are controlled by LumiPlay, with manual and automatic messages.
LCD screens
- Different formats : indoor or outdoor / portrait or landscape / wall-mounted or free-standing.
- Different sizes : 32", 42" or 55".
- Different brightness : some LCD models are suitable for installation behind glass.

LED screens

- Different formats : indoor or outdoor/portrait or landscape/wall-mounted or free-standing.
- Different sizes : from 1.6m².
- Different resolutions : pitch* from 3.9mm.

*The pitch is the distance between two LEDs, which defines the resolution of an LED display. The greater the viewing distance of the screen, the greater the pitch. For outdoor viewing, the pitch represents the display's optimum viewing distance. The human eye is unable to distinguish a pitch of less than 4 mm at a distance of a few meters. This is known as the "Minimum Separable".