

Traffic schedules, service schedules.

An efficient transport offering with Heurès

For over 25 years, Heurès traffic & service scheduling software has undergone constant upgrading to meet the needs of operators wanting to optimizer their transportation offering.
Heurès is the ideal tool for small, medium, and large regular transport systems in France and abroad for modelling your transport route network, optimizing driver schedules, and managing human and material resources.


The solution comes in a range of module:

  • Traffic schedules: To devise a rationalized offering covering all transport modes: bus, coach, tram, boat, train;
  • Service schedules: Provides a controlled way of defining the human and material resources necessary to the operation. Lumiplan and Eurodecision have thus jointly developed automatic traffic scheduling software to provide operators with high-performance decisional aid tools;
  • Management of schedules and resources: Rationally manage the resources made available daily.

Benefits of the Heurès solution

  • Integration with all the business solutions already implemented at our customers’: OA/PI*, ticketing, transport aggregating centres, websites and pay solutions.
  • Reduction of operation costs in terms of people and equipment.
  • Service offering of a higher quality than equivalent resources.
  • Equitability and security in personnel management by factoring in national collective agreements.
  • Upgradable solution with a new version issued every two years on average.

Almost 100 transport systems in France and Worldwide already confidently use the Heurès solution

  • In Europe: Barcelona, Bilbao, Covilha, Madrid, Malaga, Yverdon, Zaragoza.
  • Worldwide: Abidjan, Ahmedabad, Algiers, Dar-es-Salaam, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, Mexico City, Puebla, Rabat.

*OA/PI: Operating assistance and passenger information system

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