
Data exportation, API, SDK, dataflow

Securing data and controlling its distribution.

In the age of digital technology and social networks, where data sharing is the key, Lumiplan commits and invests to securing customers’ data and controlling its distribution.

For tourist destination administrators, contextual data sharing is vital. But they shouldn’t have to worry about the quality of the data distributed and its proper use. For tourism and marketing professionals, having “guaranteed” dynamic data saves time in the development and quality of their own content. Following on from this observation, Lumiplan offers “bespoke” services for the management of destinations’ real-time data flows, in agreement with the operators and in compliance with data privacy laws. Following on from this observation, Lumiplan offers “bespoke” services for the management of destinations’ real-time data flows, in agreement with the operators and in compliance with GDPR*.


*GDPR : General Data Protection Regulation